Hin Luk Bath


3 km southwest of Koh Chang / 20 minutes by boat from Bang Bao Pier


average 12 meters / max. 25 meters



About the dive site

Hin Luk Bath, which translates to “cubic rock”, is one of the most popular and visited dive sites in the area and for good reason. 

The central location of the dive site is a large underwater elevation surrounded by several interesting smaller rocks that rise from the sandy underground. At low tide, the highest rocks just rise out of the water and form a perfect place for snorkelers to observe the underwater world.  

On a typical dive we descend to the sandy bottom to a depth of around 18 meters. A round at a depth of 12-18 meters takes around 20-30 minutes and this gives us the opportunity to then surface to a depth of around 5-10 meters and observe the reef from a different angle.

Therefore, we can relax and extend our safety stop in search of nudibranchs or other smaller underwater creatures and dive particularly safely. Also close to the surface on the rocks is a popular haunt for garfish, which are sometimes accompanied by barracuda in search of food. 

The underwater rocks themselves create a wonderful backdrop for our dive and the additional life on and around them will definitely take your breath away. In addition to countless species of soft and hard corals, sponges and anemones with their collared anemonefish, you can also see bluespotted rays, parrotfish, moray eels, groupers or large schools of snappers and fusiliers here. Butterflyfish, shoal bannerfish and peacock angelfish can also be found here regularly.


About the Dive Site

The central location of the dive site is a large underwater elevation surrounded by several interesting smaller rocks that rise from the sandy underground. At low tide, the highest rocks just rise out of the water and form a perfect place for snorkelers to observe the underwater world.  

On a typical dive we descend to the sandy bottom to a depth of around 18 meters. A round at a depth of 12-18 meters takes around 20-30 minutes and this gives us the opportunity to then surface to a depth of around 5-10 meters and observe the reef from a different angle.

Therefore, we can relax and extend our safety stop in search of nudibranchs or other smaller underwater creatures and dive particularly safely. Also close to the surface on the rocks is a popular haunt for garfish, which are sometimes accompanied by barracuda in search of food. 

The underwater rocks themselves create a wonderful backdrop for our dive and the additional life on and around them will definitely take your breath away. In addition to countless species of soft and hard corals, sponges and anemones with their collared anemonefish, you can also see bluespotted rays, parrotfish, moray eels, groupers or large schools of snappers and fusiliers here. Butterflyfish, shoal bannerfish and peacock angelfish can also be found here regularly.

What is there to discover?

Just below the surface of the water near the rocks is a popular meeting place for a group of native crocodile needlefish.
Sometimes they are joined by barracudas, which lie in wait for prey fish. The rock formations are already beautiful features, but of course tropical waters like those off Koh Chang have an abundance of marine life. You'll find a variety of hard and soft corals, sponges and an amazing number of anemones with their cute inhabitants, the pink clownfish. There are also blue-spotted stingrays that love to hide under the numerous rocks and corals, moray eels, parrotfish, groupers, large schools of snappers, as well as colorful butterflyfish, bannerfish and surgeonfish, to name just a few. If you're lucky, you might spot a green sea turtle, an eagle ray or a guitar ray. Visibility is usually good but, like many dive sites in Thailand, can vary depending on the season, tide or weather.

Dive site map

